Monday, May 18, 2015


Midland Rally Fighter 2015 CES
OK. I. LOVE. RALLY FIGHTERS. There. I said it. And I finally got to see one up close and personal at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year. Thank you MIDLAND! All I can say is…YES PLEASE. I’m asking Santa for one this Christmas.
Well technically Santa can’t really bring me one since Rally Fighters are custom ordered and made by Local Motors in Arizona. When someone orders one “You join Local Motors experts in the Phoenix Micro-Factory for two 3-day weekends to build your very own Rally Fighter.” This just keeps getting better and better. The Rally Fighter isn’t 4WD despite its looks, its 2WD and uses its light weight (less than 4,000 lbs) to keep it from getting to mired in the mud. It’s designed that way on purpose. However if it does, Midland has a winch on the front of theirs so hopefully they can have someone pull them out. Not that it looks like this one has seen that type of action…what a shame. Poor Rally Fighter.
Midland Rally Fighter
Who is Local Motors anyway? It looks like these folks are using an open-source type platform to design and build vehicles. From WikipediaLocal Motors is an American motor vehicle manufacturing company focused on low-volume manufacturing of open-source motor vehicle designs using multiple microfactories.
Essentially what they are doing is opening up the once difficult-to-enter ecosystem of car customization to the average person by offering complete ground-up build experiences for their customers.
Way cool, and way future. We expect big things from them. Keep up the good work Local Motors!
Local Motors

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